Houston Photographer
Amalya Shandelman | Houston photographer

European Nature vs. American Nurture

I am an artist-photographer, transplanted long ago from Eastern Europe, my native land,
to Texas, my newly adopted home that is a world away.

And I wonder:
Which of those is the real me? Has my nurturing been now de-natured?
Like all artists, I see myself in the mirror of my subjects.

Sometimes we can see ourselves in others more clearly than we ever could see ourselves by introspection alone.

Here is Lilly, my alter ego.

I give her different props, hoping that their anomalous prop-erties will jar my artistic sensibilities into getting to the bottom of this mystery.

European Nature vs. American Nurture #1
European Nature vs. American Nurture #4
European Nature vs. American Nurture #2
European Nature vs. American Nurture #3